วันอังคารที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Ab Rocket Review - Results Not As Expected

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you're interested in purchasing an Ab Rocket to flatten your stomach, I recommend you read through this article.  It explains how the Ab Rocket works, and why it may not deliver the results you're expecting.

The Ab Rocket is a chair that, when pushed down, provides resistance against your abs and lower back.  Its resistance levels are adjustable, allowing you to scale up in your ab workouts progressively.

Although I think the Ab Rocket is a great way to strengthen your abs, its design will unfortunately not do much to reduce your belly size.  The Ab Rocket is designed to give you results through "spot reduction" -- or working one muscle group very hard to reduce the fat around it -- which is not possible, as much as many of us wish it were.  This is especially true for the abdominal muscles.

Additionally, working out your abdominal muscles exclusively will not give you the flatter belly you expect.  Abs are like any other muscle in the body, in that when they are focused on exclusively, they fill with blood and enlarge.  Combined with extra body fat, overdeveloped abs will in fact give you the opposite effect you're likely hoping for.  However, again, if specifically stronger, more stable abs are what you're after, then the Rocket is a great product.

If your goal is to get a flat belly and lower body fat, you don't need a special workout machine.  In fact, changing your body is much easier (and cheaper!) than you probably think.  Through my experience, and the experience of dozens of my private clients, I've discovered that the best way to tone your belly and lose body fat is through heavy walking and the right diet.

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